Tuesday, July 19, 2011


okay, so i have a huge problem....not a teeny-weeny problem, but like a BIG, HUGE one!!!!
So i'm supposed to have  a quince in Mexico this December right? Well the date of the party, which has been already picked, is December 17. We picked this date because usually every year, we get out on the friday before the week of Christmas and have two weeks off, so we can celebrate New Years and then go back to school...Well today, i decided to go on the school website to download all the paper my mom needs to sign for registration and everything...and i decided to look up the school calendar for next year....
Well what i saw didnt please me...in fact, it almost gave me a heart attack!
it turns out we get out for vacation on December 26th and come back January 9th...

it means that i'm still in school when i'm supposed to be in Mexico for my party....i dont know what we are going to...sometimes i wish we could just have the party here.....but no, my family have planned it since i was like 10 to have it there, and i really doubt there is any way of getting out of it.....

I dont wanna miss that much school....i really dont! i dont care if i have to give up the party, im willing to make that sacrifice, i just really dont want to miss school....i didnt miss 1 day this year! i had perfect attendance...i didnt get sick or anything..... and i want to keep it that way!!! i dont know what im gonna do....

im gonna talk with my parents tonight and see what we can do! ill keep you guys posted....

thanks for listening  to my troubles....byeeee

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, missing school sucks! I hope it all works out. :)
