Has it been that many already! 10 more and that makes 50! wow...
oh jeez, i just proved to you that i can count! Surprise, Surprise right?
So right as i am typing these words it is 2:01 in the morning and frankly, i'm not really sleepy...
i've noticed i've been up really late this past week and in general....on school nights i try not to stay up too late...i usually got to bed at 11 or 12 the latest...usually 11 though... and on weekends...well the sky's the limit right?
Except with my new iPod i've kinda been staying up even later...
like for two days in a row i went to bed at around 4 in the morning and now im up at two writing this...
So i've been reading my friend R.C.'s blog The Shades of Black and White which is really just fabulous and you should really check it out...but anyways...i've been reading her blog and her posts have inspired me and given me and idea for something i want to start on this blog...
I'm thinking to write whatever comes to mind.... like i always do...but also have like a recurring thing...a motif, if you will.... at the end of each post...
i kinda wanna do like a: pick a star (music, movies, television, art, etc.) and like give their name, where they're born, "occupation", and like a silly/interesting/fun fact about them...
so i think im gonna try to put a suggestion box along my blog so that if you have a specific person in mind...you can request it and ill probably do them on my next post....
so let's try it....
Here's Star of the Day... no that's too cheesy.... um um A Glimmering ...no that's just even worse im not even gonna finish that... ermm how about untitled for now and ill think of something later... XD
(The Title Will Go Here)
then a picture here...
Real Name:
Fun Fact:
yeah...i think it'll work.. dont you?