youre probably wondering why im so nervous, well tomorrow in our Movement For The Actor class we are performing our movement pieces... i perform tomorrow and im very nervous...
the theme we have to perform to is "occupy"... yes it could mean in the political sense of like Occupy Wall Steeet, but also like occupations, and occupying space... its pretty open to different interpretations...
you want to hear what mine's about? well im doing it to the song The Greatest by Cat Power and its a kid who falls asleep during Career Day at school and dreams about all these different occupations he/she could have(one of them being a protestor) so im nervous about that...
*if no one caught that, the title is from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" my favorite Poe story.... probably because i know more than half of it becaus we performed it...XD*
okay so ive got a problem... well not a problem... just a thought in the back of
my head that could be a problem... So last week im the PE locker room my friend was telling me how she thinks our Spanish teacher is really cute.... and ever since she said that, well its kinda stuck in my head...
well okay before you freak out, he just turned 34 and hes a single dad who was really pretty bluish green eyes(oh that explains itXD) and dresses really really well... like really well! its so wonderul... oh and he plays socced;)
see! thats the problem! i shouldnt be talking about a teacher like that! HELP!
In the land of glamour and dreams, not everything is what it seems. Where wild spirits roamed free, filled with directors, artists, and emcees. For the land of black and white, I'd put up a fight and plea, to be there tonight and never leave.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
My 1 Hour and 36 Minutes With Marilyn
So i just got home from watching...yeah you guessed it.... My Week With Marilyn
I went with my mother and i enjoyed it...a lot actually...
When i first heard they were making a movie on Marilyn i was like uh-oh this cant be good... and the more i heard about it...well i didnt hear much actually, but i did read, well flip through, this article at Target about it and i just, i wasnt convinced by Michelle Williams as the part... but i still went to go see it because...i still wanted to see it!
So they had Sir Laurence Olivier...who was a TOTAL JR (if you know what that means...if you dont...well he was just mean) there was Vivien Leigh who wasnt in much of the film, but still was part of it... there was Emma Watson as a costume or prop not sure..but she was there...and of course the protagonist Colin Clark (who was played by Eddie Redmayne and who i cant decide whether he's cute or not) and Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe.
So the plot was good i guess, i mean it was an interesting story and yes, you get sucked in and feel bad for her....a lot.... and for Colin! but its a love what do you expect?!?
The scenery was just BEAUTIFUL and i loved the costumes...
well anyways... i just found out it was rated R... that explains a lot... surprisingly not a lot of sex...which was good...especially if youre watching it with your mother.... a lot of suggestiveness though....anywhoo....
So my main issue with it is i dont really know how to criticize it.... my problem is that i mean i dont want to say that i know nothing about Marilyn...i know just as much as the next person does... about her childhood and everything.... but thats about it... i dont really know how to pull the facts out of the movie.... see if it was a movie about Lucille Ball or the Kennedy's... id be looking for all the little mistake or acknowledgments the writers made....but i couldnt do that with this...
but i still recommend it! XD
so that's that.... also! i got some books from that discount bookstore! :D
i got:
The Kennedy Women by Laurence Leamer
Natalie Wood: A Life by Gavin Lambert
a People Weekly Special Collector's Edition: Unforgettable Women of the Century (with Jackie Kennedy looking o-so-beautiful on the cover)
and some Spanish book... XD
I went with my mother and i enjoyed it...a lot actually...
When i first heard they were making a movie on Marilyn i was like uh-oh this cant be good... and the more i heard about it...well i didnt hear much actually, but i did read, well flip through, this article at Target about it and i just, i wasnt convinced by Michelle Williams as the part... but i still went to go see it because...i still wanted to see it!
So they had Sir Laurence Olivier...who was a TOTAL JR (if you know what that means...if you dont...well he was just mean) there was Vivien Leigh who wasnt in much of the film, but still was part of it... there was Emma Watson as a costume or prop not sure..but she was there...and of course the protagonist Colin Clark (who was played by Eddie Redmayne and who i cant decide whether he's cute or not) and Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe.
So the plot was good i guess, i mean it was an interesting story and yes, you get sucked in and feel bad for her....a lot.... and for Colin! but its a love what do you expect?!?
The scenery was just BEAUTIFUL and i loved the costumes...
well anyways... i just found out it was rated R... that explains a lot... surprisingly not a lot of sex...which was good...especially if youre watching it with your mother.... a lot of suggestiveness though....anywhoo....
So my main issue with it is i dont really know how to criticize it.... my problem is that i mean i dont want to say that i know nothing about Marilyn...i know just as much as the next person does... about her childhood and everything.... but thats about it... i dont really know how to pull the facts out of the movie.... see if it was a movie about Lucille Ball or the Kennedy's... id be looking for all the little mistake or acknowledgments the writers made....but i couldnt do that with this...
but i still recommend it! XD
so that's that.... also! i got some books from that discount bookstore! :D
i got:
The Kennedy Women by Laurence Leamer
Natalie Wood: A Life by Gavin Lambert
a People Weekly Special Collector's Edition: Unforgettable Women of the Century (with Jackie Kennedy looking o-so-beautiful on the cover)
and some Spanish book... XD
Happy Turkey Day!!!
wow! so i just got the app on my iTouch that allows me to post on here! thats great and that means i can probably
post more often now that i dont have to be on the computer!
well how was your Thanksgiving?
i think ive decided that my favorite holiday is a tie between Thanksgiving and Christmas! :D
so this year we went to my aunts house as usually and the food was GREAT! just delicious! we had turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables, yams, butternut squash, stuffing, enyucado, biscuits, almojabanas, and pie...lotsa lotsa pie!
i had fun, but i think the best part came after dinner and desert when my aunts and a friend that came over started playing music on the flute, piano, and they sang. it waa great... but then my mom suggested that i sing... and i did!
O.o i know right? crazy!!! at first i was singing kind of quietly because i personally wasnt very confident withy my voice... after all, the only time i sing is in the shower and in the car and
my only audience is usually my mother... well after a while i started getting the hang of it and i started singing louder... we mainly played songs out of this book of broadway show some of the songs i sang were Fiddler on the Roof, Matchmaker, Do-Re-Mi, Cabaret, Hello Dolly, and other ones.... i had fun singing and im looking forward to doing it again....
i was just happy that someone other than me thinks i have a good-ish singing voice! XD
oh yeah! and no Black Friday for me! :D
post more often now that i dont have to be on the computer!
well how was your Thanksgiving?
i think ive decided that my favorite holiday is a tie between Thanksgiving and Christmas! :D
so this year we went to my aunts house as usually and the food was GREAT! just delicious! we had turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables, yams, butternut squash, stuffing, enyucado, biscuits, almojabanas, and pie...lotsa lotsa pie!
i had fun, but i think the best part came after dinner and desert when my aunts and a friend that came over started playing music on the flute, piano, and they sang. it waa great... but then my mom suggested that i sing... and i did!
O.o i know right? crazy!!! at first i was singing kind of quietly because i personally wasnt very confident withy my voice... after all, the only time i sing is in the shower and in the car and
my only audience is usually my mother... well after a while i started getting the hang of it and i started singing louder... we mainly played songs out of this book of broadway show some of the songs i sang were Fiddler on the Roof, Matchmaker, Do-Re-Mi, Cabaret, Hello Dolly, and other ones.... i had fun singing and im looking forward to doing it again....
i was just happy that someone other than me thinks i have a good-ish singing voice! XD
oh yeah! and no Black Friday for me! :D
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Getting My Life Back...
Howdy, ho!
How are you?
Well its amazing, but i've actually got time to write! YAY!
So this past week the fall play at our school closed....and well closed with a bang! This Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were the last show dates and well here's how it went...On Thursday, CETA judges (CETA is a competition high school plays enter in which our school got first place last year for The Laramie Project which was just simply amazing) came to see the show. It wasnt necessarily a BAD's just that there was like 12 people in the audience and it just wasnt THE BEST show we've put on...but we'll see what happens. Friday, everything was going great. The cast had a good energy and the scene changes were coming along great... were almost done with the show...and then... the panel falls! It just falls right during a transition! The audience gasped and to tell you the truth, the crew was pretty freaked out... well at least i was...luckily no one was hurt...but still! We had to get it off stage and it was just a mess! STRESSFUL! Saturday we just had a lot of house crew necessary, just-to-get-attention drama... it was annoying, but we had a GREAT audience...they were laughing it up and it was wonderful for the actors! Sunday was closing day....barely anyone showed up which was kind of depressing and it rained! Oh and boy did it rain.... we live in it doesnt really rain, but it really poured! i normally wouldnt mind because i love the rain! but i was sick(still am) and well the actors have crosses they have to do outside to get to their entrances and they couldnt do that because our school floods outside the theater because they dont clean out the drain pipes. So we had to change where costume changes took place and entrances and it was just pretty hectic. But now the show's over and i actually get to have my life back!
My parents celebrated their 16 anniversary this weekend in Las Vegas so i've been staying with a friend since Sunday...i got home today and im like SUPER tired and so excited to get to bed. NO MORE SCHOOL UNTIL MONDAY OF NEXT WEEK! yay! im happy....
I was making up my Christmas like wish list and this is what i've got so far:
iPod Touch (4th generation, black-the one with a camera)
Pirates of the Caribbean 4
now lemme expand on those...
well iPhone is kinda self explanatory... Sprint just got the iPhone and i really want one!
um iPod Touch...if i cant have an iPhone...its the next best thing...i just really want one with a camera!
boots ive been wanting for a long time....both combat boots and just like boots that i'd like....
books of course
movies of course
Dallas as in to be able to watch the television show... i'm not gonna give up on that one with my mother!
clothes well self explanatory again
Pirates 4 because i loved it so much and if i get it ill own all four so i can have like the collection!
OH! last two things... have i mentioned i keep a correspondence with my godmother who lives in Seattle, WA.. like an actual correspondence with like physical letters written on paper! I love she replied back today so that makes me excited.
They also announced what the spring musical is going to be at my school... its gonna be Sweeney Todd!!!! can you believe it?!?!?!? AHH thats amazing! im so excited and im hoping that i can get cast into it.... my goal is to get into the ensemble! but i do wanna work on a crew...probably set or something...i want to work with the blood! that would be AWESOME! wow that totally makes me sound crazy! XD
and also...i felt so is November 22nd and i didnt remember! i didnt remember that today the life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our 35th president, was taken in Dallas, Texas in 1963. I remembered last year because well if you didnt know....i have a thing for the Kennedy's...Bobby is my favorite brother, but i do love Jack and i just feel bad that i didnt remember.... i've had so much on my mind lately....
How are you?
Well its amazing, but i've actually got time to write! YAY!
So this past week the fall play at our school closed....and well closed with a bang! This Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were the last show dates and well here's how it went...On Thursday, CETA judges (CETA is a competition high school plays enter in which our school got first place last year for The Laramie Project which was just simply amazing) came to see the show. It wasnt necessarily a BAD's just that there was like 12 people in the audience and it just wasnt THE BEST show we've put on...but we'll see what happens. Friday, everything was going great. The cast had a good energy and the scene changes were coming along great... were almost done with the show...and then... the panel falls! It just falls right during a transition! The audience gasped and to tell you the truth, the crew was pretty freaked out... well at least i was...luckily no one was hurt...but still! We had to get it off stage and it was just a mess! STRESSFUL! Saturday we just had a lot of house crew necessary, just-to-get-attention drama... it was annoying, but we had a GREAT audience...they were laughing it up and it was wonderful for the actors! Sunday was closing day....barely anyone showed up which was kind of depressing and it rained! Oh and boy did it rain.... we live in it doesnt really rain, but it really poured! i normally wouldnt mind because i love the rain! but i was sick(still am) and well the actors have crosses they have to do outside to get to their entrances and they couldnt do that because our school floods outside the theater because they dont clean out the drain pipes. So we had to change where costume changes took place and entrances and it was just pretty hectic. But now the show's over and i actually get to have my life back!
My parents celebrated their 16 anniversary this weekend in Las Vegas so i've been staying with a friend since Sunday...i got home today and im like SUPER tired and so excited to get to bed. NO MORE SCHOOL UNTIL MONDAY OF NEXT WEEK! yay! im happy....
I was making up my Christmas like wish list and this is what i've got so far:
iPod Touch (4th generation, black-the one with a camera)
Pirates of the Caribbean 4
now lemme expand on those...
well iPhone is kinda self explanatory... Sprint just got the iPhone and i really want one!
um iPod Touch...if i cant have an iPhone...its the next best thing...i just really want one with a camera!
boots ive been wanting for a long time....both combat boots and just like boots that i'd like....
books of course
movies of course
Dallas as in to be able to watch the television show... i'm not gonna give up on that one with my mother!
clothes well self explanatory again
Pirates 4 because i loved it so much and if i get it ill own all four so i can have like the collection!
OH! last two things... have i mentioned i keep a correspondence with my godmother who lives in Seattle, WA.. like an actual correspondence with like physical letters written on paper! I love she replied back today so that makes me excited.
They also announced what the spring musical is going to be at my school... its gonna be Sweeney Todd!!!! can you believe it?!?!?!? AHH thats amazing! im so excited and im hoping that i can get cast into it.... my goal is to get into the ensemble! but i do wanna work on a crew...probably set or something...i want to work with the blood! that would be AWESOME! wow that totally makes me sound crazy! XD
and also...i felt so is November 22nd and i didnt remember! i didnt remember that today the life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our 35th president, was taken in Dallas, Texas in 1963. I remembered last year because well if you didnt know....i have a thing for the Kennedy's...Bobby is my favorite brother, but i do love Jack and i just feel bad that i didnt remember.... i've had so much on my mind lately....
well Jack, i just want you to know that you are not forgotten here and that i hope you rest in peace!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Show, FBI, and Princess Grace
So yeah i'm back for the time being!
I have been so busy you don't even know! It's CRAZY! so ill try to catch you up on everything that has happened...
Well two weeks ago, we had rehearsals from 5:30-9pm every night...yeah not fun! Well I mean of course it is fun...but it just leaves me no time to do what i usually like to do...and this past week we opened the we had rehearsals Monday and Tuesday and then on Wednesday we had a preview for the other academy students (film, art, dance, etc.) so it went well, thankfully! Then Thursday was opening night! :D that went well as well! Afterwards, our theatre program has a tradition of going out to the near Denny's because their open 24hrs so we went and celebrated opening night there...there was like 10 or 15 of us.... we took up this HUGE table, but it was quiet fun! Then Friday, we didn't have school, but we had another show and again afterwards we went to the park near our school and just sat around and talked for a bit...then i went home... Yesterday we had another show (of course) and my parents came to this one so that was fun! Afterwards, my parents wanted to go to the movies so we went and saw J. Edgar and boy was that GREAT! i absolutely loved it! I'm a big fan of like biopics and i enjoyed it a lot... My problem with it was that the movie made you sympathize with him...which bothered me because as a person, i pretty much hate him. I think he was a terrible human being (I'm on the Kennedy's side... so you can see where i'm coming from)...but while i was watching the movie i totally forgot about how i felt about him and just went along with the movie...i was even contemplating crying at the end...but then i didnt... Anyways....that movie was 2 hours we got home at like 1am... So today im like EXHAUSTED! but it's okay because i've done all of my homework and i have no school im pretty much gonna have a late night tonight (probably writing and YouTube) and then not do anything tomorrow!
OH! so our school has a winter formal every...well...winter... so my friends are going and i was gonna ask my friend if she wanted to go with me....but my other friend beat me to i was momentarily dateless.... anyways it's at this yacht club with a dinner and everything...and i want to i ended up asking a guy in my English class if he wanted to go with me... and he said yes! ;) so i kinda have like a REAL date.... XD ill have to tell you about it after it happens... DECEMBER 3rd...
and another thing... i saw In Time with Justin Timberlake the other weekend and i forgot how much i liked listening to his i've been on like a Justin Timberlake music kick lately! XD my favorite song of his is a tie between SexyBack (for reasons i shall not talk about at the moment) and yea.. :D
See Ya!
Oh! also i was on my friend's blog Living In the Wrong Era (you should check it out) and i took the same quiz she if you're interested... I got Grace Kelly...which im totally okay with :)
This is what it said:
I have been so busy you don't even know! It's CRAZY! so ill try to catch you up on everything that has happened...
Well two weeks ago, we had rehearsals from 5:30-9pm every night...yeah not fun! Well I mean of course it is fun...but it just leaves me no time to do what i usually like to do...and this past week we opened the we had rehearsals Monday and Tuesday and then on Wednesday we had a preview for the other academy students (film, art, dance, etc.) so it went well, thankfully! Then Thursday was opening night! :D that went well as well! Afterwards, our theatre program has a tradition of going out to the near Denny's because their open 24hrs so we went and celebrated opening night there...there was like 10 or 15 of us.... we took up this HUGE table, but it was quiet fun! Then Friday, we didn't have school, but we had another show and again afterwards we went to the park near our school and just sat around and talked for a bit...then i went home... Yesterday we had another show (of course) and my parents came to this one so that was fun! Afterwards, my parents wanted to go to the movies so we went and saw J. Edgar and boy was that GREAT! i absolutely loved it! I'm a big fan of like biopics and i enjoyed it a lot... My problem with it was that the movie made you sympathize with him...which bothered me because as a person, i pretty much hate him. I think he was a terrible human being (I'm on the Kennedy's side... so you can see where i'm coming from)...but while i was watching the movie i totally forgot about how i felt about him and just went along with the movie...i was even contemplating crying at the end...but then i didnt... Anyways....that movie was 2 hours we got home at like 1am... So today im like EXHAUSTED! but it's okay because i've done all of my homework and i have no school im pretty much gonna have a late night tonight (probably writing and YouTube) and then not do anything tomorrow!
OH! so our school has a winter formal every...well...winter... so my friends are going and i was gonna ask my friend if she wanted to go with me....but my other friend beat me to i was momentarily dateless.... anyways it's at this yacht club with a dinner and everything...and i want to i ended up asking a guy in my English class if he wanted to go with me... and he said yes! ;) so i kinda have like a REAL date.... XD ill have to tell you about it after it happens... DECEMBER 3rd...
and another thing... i saw In Time with Justin Timberlake the other weekend and i forgot how much i liked listening to his i've been on like a Justin Timberlake music kick lately! XD my favorite song of his is a tie between SexyBack (for reasons i shall not talk about at the moment) and yea.. :D
See Ya!
Oh! also i was on my friend's blog Living In the Wrong Era (you should check it out) and i took the same quiz she if you're interested... I got Grace Kelly...which im totally okay with :)
This is what it said:
Grace Kelly. The American Princess, she lived the ultimate fairy tale and every girl's fantasy becoming princess of Monaco, but before that, she was one of Hollywood's A-list notably appearing in three Hitchcock movies, including "Dial M for Murder", "Rear Window", and "To Catch a Thief" - all classics. She also won an Academy Award for her role in "The Country Girl".
Patient, Cool, Obedient, Sophisticated
You do what is expected of you, even if that means giving up something important to you. You may seem to be living the perfect life to others, but you might not be as happy as they'd expect. You struggle and fall on tough times like most but what makes you stand out is that you're able to keep your cool as well as your self-respect. Unwavering where most others would have given up you rough out the bad times without complaining or being self-piteous. You are above that. You look at the road ahead of you with a sense of purpose, but remember that you can always veer off that path laid down for you by others and go in the direction you choose...
oh yeah...did i mention they are both very attractive! ;)
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