Wow! So i havent written here in THE LONGEST TIME! i'm sorry....let my try to catch you up...
Um summer has been pretty great this year...i talked to a lot of new people and made some really amazing friendships *cough cough psychic cough cough* and its been pretty relaxing. I start school next tuesday, september 6th, on my birthday! yay me! :( oh well...ill just have to deal with it...My friends asked me if i wanted to go camping this weekend because they want to do something for my birthday...and i think i will. So that should be exciting...
um not much has happened... today is my last day of work at my aunts work because since i start school...i kinda cant go and work in the middle of the day...ahahha... ummm i really dont know what else to say, my mind is drawing a blank.
Yesterday i stayed up really late writing, but i felt so accomplished after i knocked out the chapter i was doing. Personally, i like where I'm going with this story, so I'm very proud of my self. *pats herself of the back* if you would like to check it's the link, its called When You're Gone...feel free to tell me what you think! :)
so because my aunt is on her way to picking me up, i'll make this short and snappy...
uhhh wow i make my life seem really boring dont it? uhh yea i guess i do... nothing is coming to mind at the moment...but i promise i will try to write again soon...with something a bit more interesting!
y'all have a good day now!
~Mrs. Ewing Nelson <3
In the land of glamour and dreams, not everything is what it seems. Where wild spirits roamed free, filled with directors, artists, and emcees. For the land of black and white, I'd put up a fight and plea, to be there tonight and never leave.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
So my mom's aunt passed away recently and today we had a mass for her at the church i grew up going to.
Well no, that would be a lie, i didnt grow up going to church. I've just been there whenever we do go to church. You see my mother's father was a very religious man, and he followed many religions at different times, so as a child, my mother got a taste of what a lot of religions were like. My father was raised a Catholic, i believe, but was never really, like devout. So when they got married, and i was born, they decided that they wouldnt raise me under a specific religion, they would just instill good values and beliefs in me.
So, i was never baptized, never got a first communion or confirmation. When i was 10 months old, my parents flew me to my family in Seattle, Washington where my godmother lives and such and i was blessed. I think it was a Christening, but i dont know. The point is, i was raised to believe in a god, whatever god that may be, and ive read my childrens bible and probably will read the bible one day, i believe in angels, and i believe in heaven. I believe there are consequences for your action, and that there is someone looking over us. But to me, religion isnt something i immediately care for. What i mean is, i dont care what you believe in, as long as you dont try to push it on me. I'm that way with many things. So going to church today for a legitamite mass was interesting to me.
They said prayers and things that i didnt know, i mean i recognized the Our Father prayer, even though i know it in spanish..well i dont know it, but i know some of it. i know one specific prayer by heart, which is the one of the angels, i know it in Spanish, because that was how it was taught to me. "Angelito de la guarda..."
which is "Angel of God...". I felt a bit out of place because i didnt know what was really going on. And then the preacher was giving the i think communion it was called, when they give you the bread and the wine, and my mother and me were the only ones that didnt do it, because well, we just dont do was a bit ackward, but i really thought that it was just beautiful. The way the preacher made it feel heartfelt and warm, after all, it was only like 10 of us, mainly family and a couple of close friends... it just felt right.
I'm sad to say that i didnt know my great-aunt very well. She lived in Colombia, and id only met her a couple of times. but it hit her son, my uncle/ not quite sure...the hardest. he couldnt travel over there, but he was such an incredible son to her. And when she was here, he took care of her soo well, and he wrote a beautiful poem to her. I didnt cry, but i was on the verge of tears a couple of times...
After the mass, we went over to my favorite restaurant, a cuban one called Versailles. Its really famous for its food and we sat and ate and it was fun. The food was delicious, as always... and it was nice to be around family and friends for a while. And my i guess he'd be my uncle/cousin as well, has invisalign! so now we're like invisalign buddies! although he has wayy more buttons than i do...he lucked out because i have to wear rubber bands with mine! yea! so they glued like this metal button thing on two of my teeth for them..its NOT fun... my aunts feels so bad for doing this to me...she's like "aw Briggitte, will you ever forgive for this."
and im like uhhhhhh.... but i know i will... after all she is my aunt (well actually she's my mothers aunt, all of my aunts are in diff countries) so i can never stay too angry at her for long...
this has turned out to be a really long post...i think i should probably shut up the time you've read up to here, your probably bored...but o well!
love, Briggitte :)
Well no, that would be a lie, i didnt grow up going to church. I've just been there whenever we do go to church. You see my mother's father was a very religious man, and he followed many religions at different times, so as a child, my mother got a taste of what a lot of religions were like. My father was raised a Catholic, i believe, but was never really, like devout. So when they got married, and i was born, they decided that they wouldnt raise me under a specific religion, they would just instill good values and beliefs in me.
So, i was never baptized, never got a first communion or confirmation. When i was 10 months old, my parents flew me to my family in Seattle, Washington where my godmother lives and such and i was blessed. I think it was a Christening, but i dont know. The point is, i was raised to believe in a god, whatever god that may be, and ive read my childrens bible and probably will read the bible one day, i believe in angels, and i believe in heaven. I believe there are consequences for your action, and that there is someone looking over us. But to me, religion isnt something i immediately care for. What i mean is, i dont care what you believe in, as long as you dont try to push it on me. I'm that way with many things. So going to church today for a legitamite mass was interesting to me.
They said prayers and things that i didnt know, i mean i recognized the Our Father prayer, even though i know it in spanish..well i dont know it, but i know some of it. i know one specific prayer by heart, which is the one of the angels, i know it in Spanish, because that was how it was taught to me. "Angelito de la guarda..."
which is "Angel of God...". I felt a bit out of place because i didnt know what was really going on. And then the preacher was giving the i think communion it was called, when they give you the bread and the wine, and my mother and me were the only ones that didnt do it, because well, we just dont do was a bit ackward, but i really thought that it was just beautiful. The way the preacher made it feel heartfelt and warm, after all, it was only like 10 of us, mainly family and a couple of close friends... it just felt right.
I'm sad to say that i didnt know my great-aunt very well. She lived in Colombia, and id only met her a couple of times. but it hit her son, my uncle/ not quite sure...the hardest. he couldnt travel over there, but he was such an incredible son to her. And when she was here, he took care of her soo well, and he wrote a beautiful poem to her. I didnt cry, but i was on the verge of tears a couple of times...
After the mass, we went over to my favorite restaurant, a cuban one called Versailles. Its really famous for its food and we sat and ate and it was fun. The food was delicious, as always... and it was nice to be around family and friends for a while. And my i guess he'd be my uncle/cousin as well, has invisalign! so now we're like invisalign buddies! although he has wayy more buttons than i do...he lucked out because i have to wear rubber bands with mine! yea! so they glued like this metal button thing on two of my teeth for them..its NOT fun... my aunts feels so bad for doing this to me...she's like "aw Briggitte, will you ever forgive for this."
and im like uhhhhhh.... but i know i will... after all she is my aunt (well actually she's my mothers aunt, all of my aunts are in diff countries) so i can never stay too angry at her for long...
this has turned out to be a really long post...i think i should probably shut up the time you've read up to here, your probably bored...but o well!
love, Briggitte :)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Summer Is Almost Gone...
Howdy! how are you all doing?
So recently, i bought, well kinda went on a shopping spree on and now im excited for my things to come in the mail...
i bought:
The I Dream of Jeannie Complete Box Set (you dont know how excited i am to get this)
Desilu: The Story of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz (which ive been dying to read for what is it...two years now! well im finally gonna read it!)
and 3 of Barbara Eden's movies:
Harper Valley PTA
The Stranger Withing
The Woman Hunter
Im SOOO excited to get all this...but for now i have to be patient and wait... Grrrrr... :P
anyways, today i finished all of my summer now i can just relax for the rest of aug! yay!
my dad's birthday is approaching, on the 25th, but i already got him a present..i got his these 2 movies on Hitler and WWII...he's into that i think he'll like em! :P
so i have a friend that i grew up with, she's like my sister, and she's turning fifteen as well this sept. our birthdays are 11 days apart... so i got the idea for her present from what i saw someone else do for their "best friend" im gonna make a big poster/collage of everything she likes, things we share, pics of us when we were younger, and things like that, im gonna frame it, and im gonna write something special for her...
ive already begun to pick pictures and things i want to put on it.... its gonna be fun! :)
so over the summer ive figured out that i have a huge guy problem...well not really a problem, its just i tend to like a lot of guys at once....but the thing is that all these guys arent the guys from my school or anything...they're incredible handsome and amazing actors and singers and things... oh yea...ive got a problem...
i could probably fill a whole blog post just with names of the guys i like! :P
anyways...i finally finished my IDOJ story! yay! im really happy at the way it turned out! so if you wanna read the complete story, here's the link to How The Astronaut Came To Marry The Jeannie! enjoy and dont be shy! leave your thoughts! :D
im actually trying to start a new be on the lookout for a new story!
well i think thats enough writing for the me saying "thats enough writing" thats a miracle!
OH I FORGOT! so far, ive read these two amazing books that i would recommend to anyone who likes mystery or romance:
A Howling In The Woods by Velda Johnston
a mystery, suspense, thriller type book that i just LOVED and the movie isnt bad either! ;)
Portrait of Jennie by Robert Nathan
romance, short but sweet book, ive yet to see the movie, but im definitely interested in it!
oh and i read each book all in one day! they make great reads!
well ill say goodbye for now!
love, from Mrs. JR Ewing....
So recently, i bought, well kinda went on a shopping spree on and now im excited for my things to come in the mail...
i bought:
The I Dream of Jeannie Complete Box Set (you dont know how excited i am to get this)
Desilu: The Story of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz (which ive been dying to read for what is it...two years now! well im finally gonna read it!)
and 3 of Barbara Eden's movies:
Harper Valley PTA
The Stranger Withing
The Woman Hunter
Im SOOO excited to get all this...but for now i have to be patient and wait... Grrrrr... :P
anyways, today i finished all of my summer now i can just relax for the rest of aug! yay!
my dad's birthday is approaching, on the 25th, but i already got him a present..i got his these 2 movies on Hitler and WWII...he's into that i think he'll like em! :P
so i have a friend that i grew up with, she's like my sister, and she's turning fifteen as well this sept. our birthdays are 11 days apart... so i got the idea for her present from what i saw someone else do for their "best friend" im gonna make a big poster/collage of everything she likes, things we share, pics of us when we were younger, and things like that, im gonna frame it, and im gonna write something special for her...
ive already begun to pick pictures and things i want to put on it.... its gonna be fun! :)
so over the summer ive figured out that i have a huge guy problem...well not really a problem, its just i tend to like a lot of guys at once....but the thing is that all these guys arent the guys from my school or anything...they're incredible handsome and amazing actors and singers and things... oh yea...ive got a problem...
i could probably fill a whole blog post just with names of the guys i like! :P
anyways...i finally finished my IDOJ story! yay! im really happy at the way it turned out! so if you wanna read the complete story, here's the link to How The Astronaut Came To Marry The Jeannie! enjoy and dont be shy! leave your thoughts! :D
im actually trying to start a new be on the lookout for a new story!
well i think thats enough writing for the me saying "thats enough writing" thats a miracle!
OH I FORGOT! so far, ive read these two amazing books that i would recommend to anyone who likes mystery or romance:
A Howling In The Woods by Velda Johnston
a mystery, suspense, thriller type book that i just LOVED and the movie isnt bad either! ;)
Portrait of Jennie by Robert Nathan
romance, short but sweet book, ive yet to see the movie, but im definitely interested in it!
oh and i read each book all in one day! they make great reads!
well ill say goodbye for now!
love, from Mrs. JR Ewing....
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Happy Birthday Lucy!
Well since today is Lucy's 100th birthday , i want to dedicate this post to her....I originally posted this onto tumblr....but i figured it ought to go here too:
You were born in Jamestown, NY to a loving mother and father. Many would agree that your childhood was a bit tough, but it helped shape what an amazing woman you’d become. Losing a father could never be an easy thing, but you found a way to overcome it. You had strength, strength that at such an early age is very uncommon. You took care of your younger brother and you cared for your family.
Lucille Desiree Ball
August 6th, 1911- April 26th, 1989
Today, August the 6th, in the year 2011, you turn 100.
You were born in Jamestown, NY to a loving mother and father. Many would agree that your childhood was a bit tough, but it helped shape what an amazing woman you’d become. Losing a father could never be an easy thing, but you found a way to overcome it. You had strength, strength that at such an early age is very uncommon. You took care of your younger brother and you cared for your family.
You grew up. You began to experience new things. You left the safety and security of your home, to go to New York, to make yourself a career. You didn’t succeed at first, people even told you you could never be an actress, but you kept trying. You did things and took roles that no one would ever dream of thinking about. You didn’t mind being the clown. You liked what you were doing. Your career had begun to get better.
Then, you met him. You met the love of your life. You felt something that you had never felt with anyone else before. You married, you fought, you loved. You realized that you had something unique, you shared something special. It was true love. You couldn’t imagine life without him. The both of you built a safe haven in Chatsworth, California. That was where you spent some of the best years of your life. You both wanted a family, but ran into some troubles along the way. You married once again, under the Catholic church this time, and it happened. You were blessed with a baby girl that your husband lovingly named after you. Lucie Desiree Arnaz. You were the two happiest people on Earth.
You had been successful in your work, but what came next will never be forgotten. A sitcom was born. A very different one. It was based on a wife and a husband and their best friends, their landlords. After many fights, you got your husband to star along side you. “I Love Lucy” as it was called, was what you will be remembered for the most. It was shot on a stage, live, with “the three-headed monster”. You became the star. You probably did not know at the time what that show would mean to so many people.
You had your second child. A baby boy. Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Ball IV. You were happy again, but things didn’t stay that way. There were terrible fights, tears, insecurities, it just wasn’t working. You didn’t want it to end, but it was too much to take. You divorced. A whole part of your life was gone, and you went through a really hard time. The love you had, it never left you. There was something about that man, that you felt in your heart, that you knew would always be there. You knew you could never stop loving him. You knew he loved you too. You would always love him.
As time passed, you were in other television shows, you were a success. You were admired. Your children grew up, and you re-married. You had found someone, someone you loved as well…as well…you never stopped loving him.
Now, one hundred years later after your birth, we are still celebrating you. You have brought joy, happiness, laughter, and inspiration to our lives. But i want to talk from my heart. My thoughts.
Lucy, you were an incredible woman. Your strength to keep going inspires me. Your talent, work, and personality, can make me feel better, even on the worst of days. But i never got to meet you. I never had the chance to see you with my own eyes, and not through television or books. I never got the chance to send you a letter telling you how much of a fan i am.
But I’m not sad, I’m not upset. I know that you are in a better place right now, making everyone around you laugh. With “I Love Lucy” and everything else you have done during your life, we have a record here, of you, of your beloved talent, and that is what keeps me happy.
I’m proud to say that “I Love Lucy” is my favorite television show. I’m proud to say that Lucille Ball is probably my favorite actress. I’m proud to say that even if I never met you, what we have here in this world, makes a connection between us. I’m proud to say, that I truly, love Lucy. Not Lucy Ricardo, Lucy Barker, Lucy Carter, or Lucy Carmichael. But Lucille Desiree Ball.
“‘I Love Lucy’ was never just a title.” Desi was right, it never was.
Rest In Peace
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